Ann Arbor Wildlife Removal


Bat Removal Ann Arbor

Bat Removal in Ann Arbor | Bat Removal Near Me

Bats can get inside your home and cause problems, especially if they get into the attic where they can soil insulation with their urine and feces. If you have bats in your attic in Ann Arbor, you will need to contact a professional and licensed wildlife removal company like us.  Our wildlife removal team are experts in Bat Removal in Ann Arbor, White Lake, Fenton, Brighton, and the surrounding areas.

It all starts with a free inspection of your attic to determine if bats are in the attic space, how the bats got in, and what we can do to get them out and prevent them from ever returning.   Call us today at 810-206-1454 to schedule your free bat removal inspection in Ann Arbor. 

Bat Removal Service in Ann Arbor

Bats are federally protected so it is illegal to trap, harm or kill bats. Bat removal companies (and other wildlife removal companies) like ourselves use various different methods to remove bats in a safe, humane and effective way. For more information about how we remove bats in Ann Arbor, Fenton and White Lake, Michigan, or to learn more about our bat removal service, give us a call today at 810-206-1454.


Bats in the Attic | Bat Removal in Brighton & Ann Arbor, MI

Bats can find openings in the soffit or the roof and make their way into your attic. Attics are nice places for bats because they have a dark, cool area where they can spend their days sleeping, since they are nocturnal. Entire bat colonies can be inside your attic, rarely is there ever just one bat in the attic. Once bats are in the attic, they will ruin insulation with their guano and their urine. Guano contains a lot of bacteria in it which can contribute to the transmission of histoplasmosis, a harmful disease that affects the upper respiratory system.

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Bat Exclusion in Ann Arbor, Brighton, and Bloomfield Hills

After the bats have successfully been removed, it is important to have bat repairs or a “bat exclusion” completed. Our skilled bat removal technicians will be able to do a thorough bat inspection and determine what needs to be done to prevent bats from getting back into your home. Additionally we repair soffit, roofs and other damages to the home.  If you need a bat exclusion in Ann Arbor, Brighton, or Bloomfield Hills, contact us today to schedule a free estimate. 

Bat Attic Restoration

We provide attic restoration services for bat damaged insulation. Our team will first remove the old, soiled insulation and then clean and sanitize the area. Lastly the team will install new, clean insulation. If you have had wildlife in your attic, like bats, an attic restoration is essential.

Contact us today at 810-206-1454 to schedule a bat removal inspection in the following areas: 

Fenton, White Lake, Milford, Bloomfield, Bloomfield Hills, Farmington Hills, Commerce, Novi, Northville, Livonia, Plymouth, Superior Township, Ann Arbor, Whitmore Lake, Brighton, Howell, Fowlerville

Cost of Bat Removal in Ann Arbor | Free Estimate | Wildlife Removal

The cost for bat removal in Ann Arbor can vary depending on the size of the bat colony and what needs to be done to exclude the bats and keep them from re-entering your attic space.  We offer a free estimate for Bat Removal in Ann Arbor to determine exactly what is going on with your attic space and by the time we are finished, you’ll know exactly what needs to be done to remediate the attic and get rid of the bats. 

To schedule your bat removal inspection, contact us at 810-206-1454 and one of our team members will get you on the schedule.