Ann Arbor Wildlife Removal


Nuisance Wildlife in Ann Arbor - Top 3 Wildlife Near You

Ann Arbor Wildlife Removal - Squirrels, Raccoons, and Bats

If you live in Ann Arbor, Michigan, you may be all too familiar with the nuisance wildlife that can make life difficult. squirrels, raccoons, and bats are just a few of the pests that can cause damage to your home and property – not to mention the potential for disease. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at each of these nuisance animals and what you can do to keep them away from your home.


Squirrels are one of the most common pests in Ann Arbor. They are known for raiding trash cans and bird feeders, as well as damaging gardens and landscaping. If you have squirrels on your property, it’s important to take steps to keep them away. squirrels are attracted to food sources, so be sure to keep your trash cans clean and covered. You should also avoid leaving out bird feeders, as these will only attract more squirrels. If you have a garden, make sure to fence it in or cover it with netting to prevent squirrels from getting to your plants.


Raccoons are another common pest in Ann Arbor. These nocturnal animals are known for raiding garbage cans and dumpsters in search of food. Raccoons can also carry diseases, which can be transmitted to humans and pets if they come into contact with raccoon feces. To keep raccoons away from your home, be sure to keep garbage cans clean and covered. You should also avoid leaving pet food outside, as this will attract raccoons. If you have a dumpster on your property, make sure it is covered and secured to prevent raccoons from getting inside.


Bats are another nuisance animal that can be found in Ann Arbor. These creatures are known for their ability to carry diseases, such as rabies. Bats can also get into homes through small openings, such as cracks in the foundation or around window frames. To keep bats away from your home, be sure to seal any cracks or openings in your exterior walls. You should also avoid leaving out food sources that could attract bats, such as pet food or unsecured garbage cans. If you have bats on your property, it’s important to contact a wildlife control company to have them removed safely.

Nuisance Animal Removal Service

Squirrels, raccoons, and bats are just a few of the nuisance animals that can be found in Ann Arbor. If you have any of these creatures on your property, it’s important to take steps to keep them away. Be sure to clean up any food sources that could attract these animals, and seal any cracks or openings in your exterior walls. If you have bats on your property, contact a wildlife control company, like Ann Arbor Wildlife Removal to have them removed safely. By taking these simple precautions, you can help keep nuisance animals away from your home.


Wildlife Removal in Ann Arbor | Contact Us

If you are having issues in Ann Arbor with any of the 3 top nuisance wildlife in Ann Arbor, than contact us today for a free estimate for wildlife removal and rodent control services in Ann Arbor, Superior Township, Novi, Bloomfield, Brighton, and Howell, Michigan.  

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