Ann Arbor Wildlife Removal

Wildlife Removal in Howell, Michigan


Wildlife Removal in Howell, Michigan

Nuisance wildlife such as squirrels, raccoons, or bats can make their way into your home and cause a lot of damage and also be a health risk for you and the members of your household. Wildlife X Team offers wildlife trapping, exclusion and wildlife removal in Howell, Michigan.

How to Get Rid of Nuisance Animals?

From damaging the aesthetic of your home to spreading diseases, wildlife can bring a lot of discomfort to your home. It is important to have a professional wildlife removal company like Wildlife X Team to inspect your property and come up with a solution to bring comfort back to your home in Howell, Michigan.

Bat Removal Services

Bats are known for spreading diseases and viruses. However, bats are federally protected and they should not be trapped, hurt, or killed. That is why it is important to have a professional to remove bats from your home Wildlife X Team count with licensed and qualified technicians that can help you remove bats following special procedures to ensure the safety of the bats and the members of your household.

Squirrel Removal Services

Squirrels tend to get in the attic and  cause a lot of damage by chewing through wiring or insulation. Squirrels gather insulation and use it for nesting, they also will use this as their bathroom. Because of the bacteria, and parasites that they have they can cause sickness to you and your family. Call Wildlife X Team one of our technicians will be happy to help you and your home in Howell, Michigan.

Raccoon Removal Services

Raccoons are known for their destructive habits and can also carry rabies and other diseases. Raccoons will find an opening in your roof and make it bigger until they can make their way into your attic. Raccoons also use the insulation of the attic to nest and leave their feces and urine. If you notice that you have raccoons under your roof contact Wildlife X Team for a free raccoon inspection in Howell, Michigan.

Mice and Rat Control in Howell

Rodents are nuisance pests that are known for all the bacteria that they carry. Mice and rats reproduce quickly so the faster you control rodents the better. Do not let a simple rat or mouse problem turn into an infestation, contact us today. Rodents are very contaminating and can cause a lot of damage and discomfort in your home. For rodent control in  Howell, Michigan contact Wildlife X Team and get rid of mice and rats from its roots.

Wildlife Exclusion

Wildlife X Team offers exclusion services to seal up any holes or cracks that may allow wildlife into your home. This will help to prevent future problems and improve the comfort of your home. Exclusion and repairs are an important part of keeping your home free of pests. Wildlife X Team can help you Contact us today for more information about our exclusion services

Attic Insulation and Attic Restorations

One of the main reasons to have attics restored is because of damage caused by wildlife. Wildlife can tear up, gather, or just mess with insulation, and this can affect the function of the insulation to regulate the cooling system of your home. That’s why it’s important to remove and restore the damaged insulation from your home. If you need to restore your attic insulation for your home in Howell, Michigan, you can rely on Wildlife X Team.  We specialize in insulation restoration and can help to get your attic back to its original condition.

For more information about wildlife trapping and removal, wildlife exclusions and insulation services in Howell, Michigan and the surrounding parts of Southeast Michigan, give us a call at 810-206-1454. We will be happy to assess you and come with a plan to bring comfort to your home. 

Contact us for Wildlife Removal in Howell, Michigan